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Top 10 Interesting Facts -Jupiter

We have all known since childhood that Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. In this space research era , most space organizations are searching for new planets and their satellites . Unfortunately, because planets are so far away from us, we can't find out much more about them. Jupiter is so far away from Earth that only a few missions are researching it, so there are many rumors, myths, and facts floating around. We can check some facts  about Jupiter .   1. Jupiter Takes 12 Years To Complete One Rotation Around The Sun . It's been 4333 days on Earth. 2. Major parts of Jupiter are made of gas. Hydrogen accounts for more than 90% of all gases.  3. Image We have a glass jar the size of Jupiter that can hold at least 1300 earths.  4. We can see a red spot in Jupiter. It is actually a giant storm . with a speed of 450 km per hour . The Earth's largest windstorm reached only 190 km/hour.  5. Our planet has only one moon. On the other hand, the giant Jupiter has 8

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